In order to open your heart we must first look at the shadows. Every shadow domains a gift.. When we accept and embrace our shadows, then suddenly reveal their true nature and a new creative impulse is released through us. Inside our DNA a subtle but potent mutation takes place. In genetics, a mutation refers to a change in the way the genetic code is copied within the cell, which leads to a change in the way proteins are made, which in turn leads to a change in your biochemistry. As your shadows reveal your hidden gifts, the whole tempo of your life changes. Your blood chemistry changes, your biohythms change, your mood stabilizes, your eating pattern shift and your general attitude to life becomes uplifting and optimistic. Once you know the Shadows inside yourself, evolution will begin to use you to raise the frequency of others, which will undoubtedly draw you into some form of service.
Every frequency shift you experience inside your DNA will affect every single atom in our universe. as you evolve, so all beings will evolve with you.
When you look at the children of the world today you can easily see the disenchantment in their eyes as their natural state of Innocence meets the modern world we have created. what these children need most of all now is for us to reclaim our own innocence and bring our romantic genius back into the world. the future world will be a World created by adults who can see through the eyes of children the coming genetic mutation from Homo sapiens into homosanctus will bring wave after wave of enlightened children into the world who will see only that which is built on natural Cosmic law not the old system which were rooted in fear and competition.
We must at all times remember that Shadows are simply Shadows, and everyone contains a gift when you change your attitude, you will see that all Shadows are cast by the same light this is a journey of self forgiveness. You must be compassionate first and foremost with yourself. As you forgive yourself of the Shadows, you will be giving yourself a gift.
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